Mediumship Mentor

Fundamental Mediumship

Have you ever considered developing your Mediumship Ability?

Everybody has psychic and mediumship abilities, whether it’s through dreams, deja vu, or just feeling, we all have the ability to read energy – all we need to do is learn to control the energy and recognise the signs. Let me help you develop with my new three step programme:


Step 1: Fundamental Mediumship

An 8 week online program

This programme aims to develop your natural ability to recognise and connect with Spirit. If you’re looking to learn and develop the following then this program is for you. This is what we’ll be covering:

  • The difference between a Medium and a Psychic. ​
  • How to raise your awareness so you can tap into the energy of the Spirit World.
  • How to control your thoughts so you can focus on signs you receive from Spirit. ​
  • The location and purpose of the seven chakras and which ones we use to connect to Spirit. ​
  • Develop your own language with Spirit using language, sounds and pictures to easily translate what you’re being given.
  • The different levels of your aura and how exactly Spirit enter your energy to make themselves known.
  • The different modalities of Spirit communication and which one you are (e.g. are you Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Clairaudient etc). ​
  • Deepen your connection with Spirit so you can develop a two way conversation instead of relying on signs.
  • To tap into the emotion of Spirit so you can feel them and therefore convey a deeper and more meaningful message.

Learn with Ireland's 2020/2021 Medium of the Year

At the end of this 8 week program you will:

  • Have a greater awareness of the energy of Spirit around you.
  • Be able to recognise the sign you are being given by the Spirit World, know exactly what it means, and utilise their advice in every aspect of your daily life including personal and business life.
  • Easily recognize who is giving you signs and what they are trying to tell you.
  • Have the ability to ask for and recognize signs from Spirit to help you make important life decisions, and to receive clarity on important family issues. ​
  • Have comfort when you need it through knowing how to connect with your loved ones from Spirit. ​
  • Have a lasting and constant strong connection to the Spirit World. ​
  • Expel uncertainty and concern surrounding death and the afterlife by receiving strong and clear evidence that life continues after death on a regular basis. ​
  • Complete your first steps towards working as a Medium in the future, and possibly starting your own holistic business.

What does the programme consist of?

Commencing on October 5th, 2021

(8 x 90 minute sessions):

October 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th,

November 2nd, 9th, 16th &23rd

all at 7.30pm-9pm Irish time

CLICK HERE for your local time


Additional Sessions

(8 x 60 minutes)

Included in course fee, these are optional attendance, (Q&A / Workshops / Circle Work) recordings of all sessions will be available:

October 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th,

November 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th

all at 8pm – 9pm Irish time

CLICK HERE for your local time

695/$849 Euro/US Dollar
  • 8 x 90 minute Training sessions
  • 8 x 60 minute Workshop Sessions
  • Should you not be able to attend the LIVE session, it will be recorded for all those who purchase it, and posted within 48 hours.
  • Each participant will have access to a private membership area of my website where all information and videos will be posted.
  • You will be able to participate through your computer, smartphone, tablet or phone. Please check your email or junk mail for your receipt. Please add my email address: to your safe senders list so you receive all information, reminders and Zoom links directly to your inbox.
  • Please note, that once purchased, there are no refunds but your place can be reallocated to a friend or family member.

Payment Options

Euro | Full Payment

Pay in Full:  €695

Fundamental Mediumship full € payment


Pay now

US Dollar | Full Payment

Pay in Full:  $849

Euro | Stage Payments

8 x €95 = €760

US Dollar | Stage Payments

10 x $99 = $990

Unsure if this programme is for you?

If you are unsure if this program is suitable for you, or if you wish to discuss any aspect of it with Sandie, please feel free to use the button below to schedule a consultation:

We all are brought up in different environments, and I quickly recognised through sharing my ability with others, that people began to seek me out to help them to move beyond grief, hurt and confusion.

For years I have been sharing my abilities with people across many countries and continents and I have managed to build my reputation as one of the top Psychic Mediums of my generation, and I am proud to have even been compared to the famous and world renowned Irish Psychic Medium Eileen Garrett.

Whether you are looking to have that meaningful and emotional reconnection with your loved ones in Spirit, are looking to reassess your path in life or you are looking to develop your own abilities, I have a programme to help you.

So if you have been bereaved, had a life change or are simply confused about life or career path I can help you to Move Beyond all of these issues by reconnecting with your loved ones, helping find structure after change and enabling you to gain clarity on your life path. 

My Psychic and Mediumistic abilities are just tools to help you realise your purpose and Move Beyond the grief and hurt to create a powerful new direction that fulfils your desires and dreams. Take a closer look at my services below, choose which area you are looking for in particular.

Once you are clear what you are looking for, please feel free to use the link within each category to book your FREE discovery session to discuss further. If you have any questions please use the contact information at the bottom of the page.