Psychic Readings

Do you want to talk about what's going on with you?

What you can expect from your reading

So you want to talk about what’s going on with, and what’s coming up for, you! Don’t feel guilty, it’s programmed into us to think of others first. A Psychic Reading is all about you! What’s going on in your life now and in the short term. It’s also for guidance in the long term and my Psychic Readings use both Tarot Cards and Numerology to give an in depth reading going forward for three years.

Psychic readings are all about WELLNESS. To feel good about our future we need to feel in control. By knowing what’s coming up we get empowered to take control of our future.

  • 60 minute ONLINE reading (please book a time when you have 90 minutes free in case we run over)
  • Video recording of your reading for you to download and keep
  • Full and indepth tarot card reading covering the next 18 months.
  • Numerology reading – to give you even more in depth knowledge of what’s coming up for the next three years. The numerology report includes:
    • Your life path number and a full explanation of what that means to you. The life path number is the most important number in your chart – people also call it their lucky number or their soul number. It dictates your personality and how you react to things that happen in life
    • A synopsis of what to expect for each of the coming three years, i.e. the current year plus three subsequent years
    • A month my month personalised forecast of what is coming up for you each month for the next 3 years (36 months)
  • Pre-Reading Checklist to help you to prepare for your reading
  • Free Positive Thinking Affirmation to help you relax and look forward with positivity and acceptance (Audio Download)
All Readings are priced individually below
  • You can book & schedule your reading using the scheduler below
  • A €50 deposit is required to confirm your booking (deposit is non-refundable)
  • The balance of the reading must be paid in full at least 5 days before the reading (the cost can be paid in stage payments - see instructions in the confirmation email sent after booking)

Make Your Booking Here

Make Your Booking

We all are brought up in different environments, and I quickly recognised through sharing my ability with others, that people began to seek me out to help them to move beyond grief, hurt and confusion.

For years I have been sharing my abilities with people across many countries and continents and I have managed to build my reputation as one of the top Psychic Mediums of my generation, and I am proud to have even been compared to the famous and world renowned Irish Psychic Medium Eileen Garrett.

Whether you are looking to have that meaningful and emotional reconnection with your loved ones in Spirit, are looking to reassess your path in life or you are looking to develop your own abilities, I have a programme to help you.

So if you have been bereaved, had a life change or are simply confused about life or career path I can help you to Move Beyond all of these issues by reconnecting with your loved ones, helping find structure after change and enabling you to gain clarity on your life path. 

My Psychic and Mediumistic abilities are just tools to help you realise your purpose and Move Beyond the grief and hurt to create a powerful new direction that fulfils your desires and dreams. Take a closer look at my services below, choose which area you are looking for in particular.

Once you are clear what you are looking for, please feel free to use the link within each category to book your FREE discovery session to discuss further. If you have any questions please use the contact information at the bottom of the page.